Human Rights

Pandemic in the Petri Dish of Prison: A Jewish Call for Justice

Rabbi Hilly Haber
Rabbi Rick Jacobs

The Book of Proverbs instructs us to “speak up for those who cannot raise our voices on behalf of the vulnerable and downtrodden.” (Proverbs 31:8-9). The individuals who make up America’s prison population are isolated, vulnerable, and voiceless.

Resolution on the Crisis of Racial and Structural Inequality in the United States

Year Adopted:
Law enforcement officers who risk their lives each day to ensure our safety deserve the respect and appreciation of all Americans. Their work is challenging and the decisions they are forced to make are difficult. Even as we reaffirm our respect and appreciation for law enforcement, we must acknowledge the long-standing structural injustices, particularly concerning race, that plague too much of our society including our criminal justice system.

Victims of War

Year Adopted:
37th Council April 1941 Detroit Resolved that we profoundly sympathize with the victims both Jewish and non-Jewish of the ravages of war and with all who are denied their elemental human rights by aggressor nations; We affirm our unalterable devotion to democratic principles, and with all faith and confidence look

Human Rights of Homosexuals

Year Adopted:
WHEREAS the UAHC has consistently supported civil rights and civil liberties for all persons and WHEREAS the Constitution guarantees civil rights to all individuals, BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED THAT homosexual persons are entitled to equal protection under the law.

International Human Rights

Year Adopted:
Background As Jews, we are intimately acquainted with what happens when otherwise good people are silent in the face of political oppression and violence. Our tradition teaches us that human life is sacred because all of humanity is created b'tselem elohim, in the image of God (Gen 1:26).