WHEREAS the International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted unanimously by the United Nations and signed by the United States in 1948 as a response to the unspeakable crimes committed by the Hitler regime before and during World War II;

WHEREAS the convention has as parties eighty-four nations, including almost every democracy in the world;

WHEREAS the convention was submitted to the United States Senate in 1949 and has since that time been reported out favorably four times by the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs;

WHEREAS the convention has been approved by the American Bar Association and is fully consistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States;

WHEREAS the failure of the United States to ratify the convention has been and continues to be a source of embarrassment to the United States in the conduct of its foreign policy, particularly on matters affecting human rights; and

WHEREAS the convention protects the most fundamental of all human rights-the right to live,

THEREFORE, THE UNION OF AMERICAN HEBREW CONGREGATIONS calls upon the Senate of the United States to approve the International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and on the president to ratify the convention as soon as possible.

After thirty years of debate and discussions, we call upon our senators to vote for cloture if a filibuster should be invoked.