The URJ Pulse+ Survey Can Elevate Your Story

May 4, 2023Barak Malkin

Over the past few years, the URJ’s benchmarking and assessment tools have shown us that there is strength in numbers. The URJ Pulse Survey and the newly expanded URJ Pulse+ Survey showed that participating congregations were experiencing similar trends. Having the ability to compare your data with that of other URJ congregations will paint a picture that will help you assess where you are and share a more detailed story with your congregants and donors.

The Jewish people are great at telling stories. Stories are critical in helping us understand our situations and ourselves. Knowing whether you are part of a trend or bucking a trend will add depth to your story. It will give you a bigger frame for your picture while empowering you as you plan ahead, move forward, and envision the next chapter of your story.

This summer, your congregation can add to the picture painted by the URJ Annual Pulse+ Survey. On June 20, 2023, all presidents, rabbis, and executive directors will receive a login link to the expanded survey. This survey will close on August 15, 2023. If you are interested in participating in this exciting initiative, please complete the Expression of Interest form.

This survey asks questions about the following areas:

  • Overall “Pulse”: changes in membership, finance, and enrollment
  • Age demographics
  • Volume of lifecycle events
  • Security and safety preparedness
  • Governance structures
  • Revenue and expenses
  • Job functions and program areas

When this data is combined with context (history, tradition, and culture) and qualitative data (engagement, satisfaction, and inclusivity), the picture of your community begins to come into focus. By taking this survey alongside hundreds of other URJ congregations, you will help us better understand 2023 URJ congregational trends and elevate our communities’ and our Movement’s stories.

The Pulse+ survey is for every congregation; we’d like every congregation to at least fill out the first section. It is designed so that congregations can complete one section, a few questions, or all sections that apply to them. The information will be analyzed to generate comparative data. All individual congregational data will be confidential and will not be used to calculate your Reform Movement Affiliation Commitment (RMAC).

You can view a sample of the Pulse+ Survey as a Microsoft Word document or PDF file. You can also check out an overview of the 2022 Pulse+ Survey results.

You can register to attend an informational meeting on June 7 at 1:00 p.m. ET. This meeting is for interested presidents, rabbis, and executive directors. It will also be recorded for those who are unable to attend.

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