


A Taste of Judaism® - Union for Reform Judaism

- ET
20 Tishri 5785 to 4 Heshvan 5785
This is a virtual event

This 3-session online program is all about introducing you to what is delicious about Judaism: sacred stories, beliefs and values, and a diverse community - with plenty of time for your questions. (We love questions!) 

Designed for “beginners” from any religious background (or none), no previous knowledge of Judaism is assumed. All are welcome: interfaith couples, individuals exploring conversion, people with Jewish heritage, in-laws and other family members of Jews, anyone who


Judaism 101

- PT
26 Tishri 5785 to 24 Nisan 5785
1827 California Ave , Santa Monica, CA 90403
This is an in-person event

Whether you’re exploring Judaism for the first time, seeking a refresher to your religious school education, or simply want to deepen your Jewish practice, join Rabbi Alex Kress for a come-as-you-are, no-knowledge-needed, judgment-free space to learn the ins and outs of Jewish practice and find the on-ramps to Jewish life that fit you.


Introduction to Judaism

- PT
2 Heshvan 5785 to 20 Iyar 5785
1435 W. 7th St. , San Pedro, CA 90732
This is a multi-access event

Rabbi Marvin Schwab and Cantor Ilan Davidson will guide you as you delve into the beauty of Jewish traditions, teachings and history through a Reform Jewish lens. Holidays, life-cycle events, theology, prayer, Torah and other sacred texts will be explored.


Reading Hebrew Prayers (Cohort 2024-4) - Union for Reform Judaism

- ET
3 Heshvan 5785 to 15 Kislev 5785
This is a virtual event

Gain comfort and fluency reading Shabbat prayers in Hebrew in this new six-session course from the Union for Reform Judaism. Explore the meaning of the prayers, learn key Hebrew prayer vocabulary, and hear common prayer melodies.  

Participants should already be familiar with the sounds and shapes of the Hebrew aleph