Jewish Learning

Why Halloween Is No Threat to Our Judaism

Rabbi Dr. Tali Zelkowicz

I heard one liberal Jewish day school head say this about Halloween:

“Our school is a safe haven from the secular world. As best we can, we shelter and protect our kids from those forces, and create an island of safety from the secular world.”

This school

Kindling the Flame of Education in Our Students

by Emily Messinger Philosophers – Jewish and otherwise – have long shared their individual insights into the philosophy of education. For educators, such insights can teach us about our students, how we relate to them, the challenges we offer them, and the ways we shape them into the best they can be.

The Challenges of Teaching about Israel

by Jack Wertheimer With the new school year nearly upon us, Jewish educational leaders are scrambling to prepare their teachers to discuss this summer’s Gaza War. The most pressing challenge is to design age-appropriate conversations: At which grade level might classroom discussions include potentially frightening topics, such as the wounding of non-combatants, kidnapping of young Israelis and sirens warning of incoming rockets? And how should teachers address the tough issues of civilian casualties in Gaza and the flagrant hostility toward Jews and Israel that has erupted in many parts of the world?